
Nigerian Navy deploys Warships, Helicopters, Ballistic Boats to fight Crude Oil Thieves

Nigerian Navy deploys Warships, Helicopters, Ballistic Boats to fight Crude Oil Thieves

The Nigerian Navy on Wednesday deployed 10 Warships, two attack Helicopters and 500 Ballistic Boats in a special Amphibious Exercise to curb Crude Oil theft and Sea Robbery in Nigeria’s Waters.

Rear Admiral Umar Chugali, Flag Officer Commanding (FOC) Central Naval Command (CNC), headquartered in Bayelsa flagged-off the Exercise code-named “Exercise Sea Guardian” in a short Ceremony in Onne, Rivers.

He said the Joint Military Exercise conducted by both the Navy’s CNC and Eastern Naval Command (ENC), Calabar, was launched to reduce insecurity to its barest in the Nation’s Territorial Waters.

“So, this Joint Exercise covering both the Defence and the Policy roles of the Navy consists of 10 Ships, two Helicopters and over 500 Boats for four-days at Sea.

“This Exercise will be used to exercise and demonstrate the capacity and capability of our Ships at Sea, to secure Nigeria’s Maritime Space and the Gulf of Guinea (GoG).

“Overtime, our Maritime Space has been inundated by some threats both Onshore and Offshore, hence this Joint Exercise that was last conducted in 2021,” he said.

Chugali said the objective of the Exercise was to ensure that the Maritime Environment remained safe, secured, and conducive for Socio-Economic activities to thrive.

“The deployment of our Capital Ships and other Assets will complement the gains recorded in curbing Sea Piracy, Sea Robbery, Crude Oil theft and other illegalities on our Waters.

“Every Operation presents new sets of challenges considering that security challenges in the Maritime Environment have become dynamic, emerging, and complex.

“So, with the emerging complexities in the Waterways, the Navy is evolving its tactics and strategies to ensure the insecurities are reduced to the barest minimum,” he added.

Chugali said, “although the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) had on March 2022 exited Nigeria from Countries with Sea Piracy incidences, but that the Navy cannot afford to drop its guards.”

The FOC said the Country was able to record zero Piracy and subsequent exit from the IMB Piracy list due to changes in the Navy’s tactics and support from the Government.

According to him, Maritime Crime was transboundary, hence collaboration with GoG Countries to ensure that fleeing Maritime Criminals from Nigeria’s Waters were not allowed entry into those Nations.

“To this end, this Exercise is not going to be any other Exercises conducted in the past as we have learnt from previous Exercises.

“Every Exercise or Operation is an improvement over the previous one, and so, we are ready and willing to ensure that Criminals no longer have space in our Maritime Space.

“We are sending a very strong message to the remnant of Criminals lurking around our Maritime Environment to disappear as we push to secure our Waters,” Chugali said.

For his part, the FOC ENC, Rear Admiral Olusola Oluwagbire, debunked claims that some of the Navy’s Personnel were involved in complexities surrounding Crude Oil theft in the Country.

He said the allegations were unfounded considering that those who made the accusations have not come forward to present any evidence to buttress their claims.

“However, we are constantly policing ourselves, and as such, any erring Officer caught engaging in such illicit activities is disciplined and dismissed from Service accordingly.

“We are doing our best to present the best foot (Personnel) in our deployments – both in terms of Personnel and Assets,”  Oluwagbire said.


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Allegations of corruption against CNS unfounded, baseless, malicious, says Navy

Allegations of corruption against CNS unfounded, baseless, malicious, says Navy

The Nigerian Navy (NN), has denied the involvement of the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla in any fraud or shady deal.

According to Navy Spokesman, Rear Admiral Adedotun Ayo-Vaughan, the allegation is a coordinated effort by disgruntled elements feeling the heat of the Navy’s renewed vigour to fight Crude Oil Theft and illegalities in the Maritime Domain.

In a Statement in Abuja on Saturday, Ayo-Vaughan said the malicious Publication would not deter the Navy from continuing the battle to curb Oil Theft and give Oil Thieves sleepless nights.

He said only the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), not the Navy, has the prerogative of awarding or overseeing Oil Bunkering Contracts.

Ayo-Vaughan described as unfounded, baseless and malicious, the Article published by an Online Medium alleging that the Naval Chief, was in trouble over Multibillion Naira Oil Bunkering and Contract-Splitting Fraud.

He added that the allegations that the CNS accepted over $170m bribe and was involved in Multi-billion Naira Contract Splitting Fraud in the last six months were untenable, baseless and untrue.

According to him, there are clear procedural requirements in the arrest, detention and release of any Vessel or Persons found culpable in the Maritime Environment.

“It is until these Processes are duly concluded that such Vessels are released to appropriate Prosecuting Agencies for further actions.

“Indeed, all arrested Vessels mentioned in the Publication that were involved in Crude Oil Theft and Illegal Oil Bunkering are being investigated and none of such Vessels has been released as alleged.

“Secondly, the CNS does not award or oversee Oil Bunkering Contracts; the award of such is the sole prerogative of NNPCL.

“Thirdly, all Contracts awarded by the Navy follow Due Process in line with the Laws of the Federation,” he added.

Ayo-Vaughan said the Nigerian Navy would remain guided by Extant Laws and Regulations, and discharge its role of monitoring Nigerian Maritime Domain and arrest of any Vessel that contravene the Law.

He said that the Launch of OPERATION DELTA SANITY has scared Oil Theft Cartels which hitherto believed no Individual could confront its Ranks.

“Fortunately, the recent achievements of the NN in this regard have put them on their heels hence the resort to cheap blackmail through immoral and compromised Online Media Publishers,” he added.

Ayo-Vaughan assured that the Navy would continue to ensure that legitimate Businesses in the Maritime Domain thrive seamlessly.

He added that the malicious Publication would in no way deter the Nigerian Navy in its resolve to confront criminals sabotaging the Nation’s Economy.

He said that the Security and Economy of the Nation was greater than any Group of Persons that think they must continue to drain the Country.

“Accordingly, Members of the Public are therefore enjoined to discountenance completely the malicious Publication.

“It is totally untrue and completely baseless, being a figment of the shallow imagination of the Writer, his Publishers, and their unpatriotic Sponsors,” he said. 


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